

salaamun alaykum brothers and sisters in Islam, let us look at the greatest sin and oppression which is called shirk.
Before we go further, what is shirk in the first place?
Shirk are of two types, we have major and minor shirk and they are both dangerous.
Shirk is to associate anything with Allah the Almighty the Exalted in worship (Ibaadah) such as; tree, stone, sun, moon, Angel, Prophet, stars, Sheikh and the likes.
This is positioned to be the major shirk about which Allah says ” verily, Allah will never forgive whoever associated any partner with Him (and die upon it without repentance) and He forgives what is different from that whoever He wish ”
(Suratul Nisai)
Allah also says ” surely, associating partner with Allah is the greatest oppression ”
(suratul Luqman)
And Allah says “undoubtedly, whoever associate anything with Allah, Allah has prohibited for him paradise and his abode is hell ”
(Suratul Maidah)
And the Prophet salla Allah alayhi wa salam said ” run away from seven destructive sins” and the first sin he made mentioned was shirk Billahi (associating partner with Allah) to show how dangerous it is.
O my beloved brothers and sisters, Allah did not seek any help from the tree when creating you nor from the stone, the Prophet, the Angel, the Sheikh, the jinn, the Star and the moon.
How will you now associate them with Him while He created you all alone?
Is that not the greatest oppression that you are committing against yourselves?
O my beloved brothers and sisters!
Let us try as much as possible to give the right of worship (Ibaadah) to the only One who deserves it (ALLAH) in other to be saved from the humiliation of this world and the punishment of the hereafter.

May Allah give everyone of us a sincere heart to worship Him alone.
Salaamun alaykum warahmatullahi.

Ishaq Abdulmumin

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