Facebook Google+ Twitter Goethe, the German poet said: “I have looked in the history of humanity for an example and found that it was Mohammad. 02.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter George Bernard Shaw, the British philosopher said: “The world is in dire need of a man with the mind of Muhamed Islam is the only religion that calls for believing in all the prophets with no discrimination between them. 02.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter You were not created for no reason. Think about it; you will realize that you were created to be a Muslim. 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Mohammed has achieved what no other human being could. He had many intellectual and behavioral achievements. 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter No-one has made difference in the universe like that made by the Illiterate Prophet Mohammed within 23 years. 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Had one been looking carefully into the facts, the real moderation is in Islam 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Islam is the last divine religion. The Holy Quran is the last book sent down by Almighty Nature is the book which, if read carefully and objectively, will lead to islam 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Except for Islam, no religion has been recognized as a source of miracles 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter When Prophet Muhammad entered Makkah and liberated it from idolatry, he forgave his enemies, announcing: “You may go. You are free.” 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter By no means can the word be filled with justice and credibility without Islam. 01.08.17