Facebook Google+ Twitter Would a wise man keep himself a victim for those who spread wrong information spreading wrong ideas about Islam? 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Have you ever searched for information about Islam with objectivity? Have you ever endeavored to know the truth. What is the secret that makes Muslims, poor and rich, white and black, stand side by side in prayers like a cemented structure? 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter There is a secret for which the number of Muslims gathering for prayer is increasing; it is their pure belief. Many people converted from Christianity to Islam; having found the truth, 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Islam is the only religion that motivates you into creativity and opens all doors of success in all the walks of life. Islam is the Religion of Truth which has all the answers consistent with both logic and human nature. 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Prophet Muhammad ordered us to respect and care for our parents, especially our mothers. 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Muhammad encouraged us to help, feed, and support the weak, the poor, the needy, and the disabled. 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Muhammad commanded us to be kind to and care for our families, spouses, and children. 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter The details of the private life of Muhammad and his sayings and actions in public have been accurately preserved till today. 01.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Muhammad changed his people in Arabia from tribal quarrels and wars to solidarity and unity. Prophet Muhammad urged us to smile sincerely and be kind to others 17.07.17