Facebook Google+ Twitter MuhammadAli believed in the One True God (Allah) alone and worshipped Allah. Prophet Muhammad ordered us to respect and care for our parents, especially our mothers. 17.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Muhammad encouraged us to help, feed, and support the weak, the poor, the needy, and the disabled. He commanded us to be kind to and care for our families, spouses, and children. 17.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Muhammad is the last Prophet of the one true God (Allah); the Messenger to all mankind. (Allah) is the Arabic name for the One true God, the Creator of mankind. 17.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Some argue they don’t believe in God because they simply can’t see or touch Him! Can they see or touch their mind or spirit?! God’s existence is evident and traceable in unlimited signs & proofs manifested in the creation of numberless atoms & cells. 17.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Islam instructs us to respect and care for our parents and the elderly. The Glorious Qur’an is the final revelation of the one true God (Allah), revealed to Prophet Muhammad. 17.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter MuhammadAli believed in the One True God (Allah) alone and worshipped Allah. Prophet Muhammad ordered us to respect and care for our parents, especially our mothers. 17.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Muhammad encouraged us to help, feed, and support the weak, the poor, the needy, and the disabled. Muhammad commanded us to be kind to and care for our families, spouses, and children. 17.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Prophet Muhammad urged us to smile sincerely and be kind to others Muhammad commands us to have good conduct and behave with respect towards others. 17.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Muhammad instructed us to forgive and love for others what we love for ourselves. Mohammad teaches us to be gentle to humans, animals, birds, and our environment. 17.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Mohammad told us that all humans are equal regardless of their race, color, or nationality. Islam instructed us not to hurt, hate, transgress against, put down, or despise othe 17.07.17