Facebook Google+ Twitter Nature is the book which, if read carefully and objectively, will lead to islam 15.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Islam is the last divine religion. The Holy Quran is the last book sent down by Almighty 15.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Had one been looking carefully into the facts, the real moderation is in Islam. 15.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter No-one has made difference in the universe like that made by the Illiterate Prophet Mohammed within 23 years. 15.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Mohammed has achieved what no other human being could. He had many intellectual and behavioral achievements. 15.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Islam is the religion of ease not of hardships. It is the religion of justice, brotherhood, love and integrity. 15.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter The German, Dr. Sigrid Hunke, said: “Mohammed with Islam is the SUN of God Illuminating the West.” 15.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter A French man, Chatelier, said: “The Message of Mohammed is the best message sent with a prophet.” 15.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter A Noble Prize winner, Thomas Carlyle, said: “He was to kindle the world “. He described him adding “… as if he had lights within him to illuminate the darkest of nights 15.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Dr. Shibrek, an Austrian doctor, said: “Humanity should be proud to have Mohammed as one of its members.” 15.07.17