Facebook Google+ Twitter Muhammad is the last Prophet of the one true God (Allah); the Messenger to all mankind. 12.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Muhammad is the last Prophet of the one true God (Allah); the Messenger to all mankind. 09.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Muslim is one who submits to the one true God (Allah), the Creator. 05.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter The Glorious Qur’an is the final revelation of the one true God (Allah), revealed to Prophet Muhammad. 05.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Islam encourages us to help, feed, and support the weak, the poor, the needy, and the disabled. 05.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Law makes it obligatory for muslim countries to protect and defend their non-Muslim citizens. 05.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Islam requires its followers to show respect and tolerance even to those who do not share their faith . 05.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter I love Jesus; it is a requirement of faith for Muslims to love the Prophet jesus. 05.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Don’t you look at the actions of some Muslims & say: That is Islam! 05.08.17